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Septic Tank Services
A septic tank is a watertight concrete box which provides primary settling treatment for household wastewater. Heavy solids settle at the bottom and are broken down by bacteria to form sludge. Lighter solids, such as fats and oils, float to the top and partially decompose to form a scum layer. Contact a Septic Tank Services Near Me now!
More than a third of homes in rural areas lack access to municipal sewer systems, and instead rely on septic tank systems. Properly installed and used, these are clean, efficient waste management systems. But they do need to be pumped regularly, and regular septic system inspections are vital. Licensed septic tank pumpers and haulers use large truck tanks to vacuum sludge from residential septic tank systems. These trucks have two large central manholes for access, and technicians insert a hose into each of the tanks through these openings. They then alternately pump the liquid sludge and solid scum layers. When a technician is pumping, he may also stir the contents with a muckrake to break up and mix solids with liquid material to make the pumping process more efficient.

As these liquids leave the septic tank, they flow to the absorption field, where bacteria and other organisms biologically treat the wastewater that seeps into the ground. As the wastewater enters the soil, solid wastes (feces and other human organic materials) are absorbed by the ground, with any excess being eliminated through percolation or evaporation into the groundwater or surface water.
A septic tank should be sized and designed to meet the needs of the household. A septic tank that is overloaded will need to be pumped more frequently, while a tank that is undersized will overflow into the absorption field and cause the system to clog and back up. In the latter case, the wastewater is carried into the household plumbing and is likely to flood toilets and drains.
There are steps that homeowners can take to reduce the amount of solid waste in their septic system wastewater, including monitoring what goes into the garbage disposal and refusing to flush anything other than toilet paper. Keeping solids to a minimum reduces the need for frequent pumping and helps keep the septic tank system working properly. It is also important to direct rainwater away from the septic system drain field. Downspouts and landscape grading that funnel water directly onto the field interfere with its ability to disperse wastewater and could clog or restrict the flow of water into the ground.
If you’re planning to buy a home with a septic system, consider hiring a professional for a full septic tank inspection. This non-invasive service checks for any red flags that indicate the septic system wasn’t cared for properly. It also reveals whether the home will need any repairs before closing the deal.
Most septic systems consist of a septic tank, a distribution box, and a leach field (also called a drainfield). The septic tank digests organic waste, separates floatable solids from wastewater, and stores the liquid waste until it can be removed from the site by an effluent pump. The liquid waste then enters the distribution box, where it is sent to perforated pipes buried in the absorption field. The pipes allow the effluent to drain slowly into the soil.
A septic inspector can check the tank for signs of damage, such as leaks and corrosion. He or she can also inspect the drain field to see if any water is backflowing into the house, and determine whether the absorption field is absorbing wastewater.
A visual inspection of the septic tank involves opening the manhole cover and assessing the tank, baffles/tees, and inlet and outlet pipes. It also includes determining the level of sludge and scum inside the tank. A septic tank should be pumped when the sludge and scum levels are about one-third of the tank’s total volume.
The septic inspector can also check the distribution box to make sure it is working correctly. A clogged distribution box will disproportionately allocate effluent to the drain lines, and could flood sections of the drainfield. In addition, the inspector can test for hydrogen sulfide gas by examining the walls of the septic tank compartments.
In addition to routine maintenance, you can also help your septic system last longer by not flushing anything other than waste and toilet paper. Don’t flush paper towels, cigarette butts, dental floss, feminine hygiene products, and diapers. You can also help your septic system function more effectively by not planting trees or other deep-rooted plants over the absorption field. This will prevent roots from growing into the lines and clogging them.
When septic tanks are not cleaned regularly, solid wastes build up, causing clogs in sinks, toilets, and drain lines. This can lead to the wastewater backing up into homes, causing a hazardous situation that requires emergency service. Septic tank cleaning services can prevent this from happening by removing the solid wastes from the absorption area and septic tanks.
When choosing a septic tank service, homeowners should make sure they are clear on what services the company provides and whether it offers other services, such as plumbing. A septic tank cleaning company that offers plumbing services can provide customers with one company to contact for all their home maintenance needs, saving them time and money.
It is also important for septic tank cleaning companies to offer convenient scheduling. Many homeowners have busy schedules, so it is important that a septic tank cleaning company can accommodate them. If a homeowner has trouble getting in touch with a company to set up an appointment, they may not choose to hire that company.
During the septic tank cleaning process, the solid waste and toilet paper fall into the sludge in the bottom of the septic tank, while the fats and oils, known as scum, rise to the top of the tank. Bacteria in the septic tank break down these materials over time, leaving clean water to flow out of the pipes and into the soil absorption field in the yard.
The longer a septic system goes without being cleaned, the more difficult it is to remove the sludge and solid wastes from the septic tank. This can result in a septic system failure, which would require costly repairs or even a new septic tank installation. A septic tank cleaning company can prevent this from occurring by providing regular tank cleanings for commercial properties, homes, and apartments.
When searching for a septic tank cleaning company, it is important to consider the size of the business and how long it has been in operation. A septic tank business that has been in business for a while has established a client base and is likely to have positive reviews from past clients. This is a good indication that the business will continue to be reliable and affordable in the future.
When you think about plumbing maintenance, your mind probably goes to your drains and pipes. But septic tanks and the waste management structures that lie underneath your yard also need routine attention. Without it, these tanks can fill up and overflow with sewage that contaminates groundwater and your lawn.
Septic tanks are the ultimate destination for all the wastewater that flows from your toilets, showers, sinks, washers and dryers. This wastewater collects in a tank buried beneath your backyard, with an inlet pipe that connects the home and an outlet that lets water flow into a drain field.
These systems are designed to last for decades, but they will eventually break down and need repairs. There are several common issues that may occur, including clogs, line leaks, corrosion, leaking septic tank alarms and more. These problems need to be addressed quickly by professional septic system technicians.
Unlike the city sewer system that collects waste in a central drainage, septic systems must deal with each house’s individual wastewater. For this reason, septic tanks must be located away from trees and shrubs, because these plants can grow into the tank’s pipes. The tank’s dividing wall can be damaged by a tree root, and corrosion can lead to line leaks or overflow.
If you have a septic system, you should have your home’s septic tank inspected by professional septic tank service providers every few years. During this time, the company will check for an overflow condition and other problems. This inspection can save you money on costly septic tank repairs and maintenance later on.
Other signs that it’s time to call a septic tank repair service include a gurgling sound in the kitchen sink, a septic tank alarm and backup sewage. Sewage backups are a serious health issue that require immediate professional attention.
While you might be able to fix some of these issues on your own, calling a professional septic tank service is always the best option for major problems. These professionals can handle everything from the smallest problem to the most significant issue, and they are trained to work safely with biohazard waste. They are also accustomed to working with different septic tank sizes and types.